Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's Been a Challenging Week!

I knew this week was not going to be very good because I've been sick all week -- not so sick that I've had to stay in bed and don't care what I eat but sick enough that I don't have any energy, don't care what I eat, and want comfort food.  However, I only gained .6 pounds this week, so I was happy with that because I thought I had probably gained more.
As far as my goals, I did pretty good with tracking.  I obviously went over my points for the week, but I did track almost everything I ate.  I also ate breakfast every morning.  As for my new goal that I set last week -- adding exercise -- I should not have made that goal knowing I was getting sick.  However, I did add some additional activity to my week.  One thing I do every week is participate in my church's handbell choir.  Ringing is a very aerobic activity and I always earn 4 to 6 activity points per rehearsal depending on how fast the music is.  We rehearse for an hour & a half & probably 1/2 of that time is spent actively ringing.

I had planned on walking on Monday, Wednesday & Friday for at least 10 minutes and then adding at least 10 minutes of activity each non-walking day and also to the walking days.  Unfortunately, that didn't happen.  Last Tuesday, I earned 4 activity points for my handbell rehearsal.  On Wednesday, I didn't walk because I didn't feel good and it was raining.  On Thursday I didn't do anything.  On Friday, my daughter nudged me & asked me if I had walked -- no, I hadn't but that nudged me to do 10 minutes of Wii activity (1 point).  On Saturday, I did some gardening (1 point).  On Sunday, I rested.  On Monday, I was feeling a little bit better and the morning air was nice and crisp so I walked for 10 minutes (1 point).

So now I'm at the start of a new week, and hopefully as I continue to feel better, I can walk on Monday, Wednesday & Friday like I planned and add 10 minutes of other activity each day.

Just one more thought for this week -- this week's Weight Watcher meeting theme was about snacking.  In my earlier blogs, I have been planning (successfully, for the most part) for my snacking frenzies.  So I want to share a recipe I found on another blog.  It's called the 3-2-1 Cake in a Mug.  You take an angel food cake mix & any other cake food mix (your favorite flavor) and combine the two mixes together -- one mix must be an angel food cake mix.  Store the mixed dry cake mixes in a ziplock bag.  Then when you get the urge for a snack, take 3 Tablespoons of the dry mix and put it in a coffee mug or a small microwavable bowl.  Add 2 Tablespoons of water & mix well.  Then microwave on high for 1 minute.  And you will have a delicious snack cake that satisfies your urge for something sweet without have a WHOLE cake sitting around on your counter.  Depending on the cake mix you use, this will be 2 to 3 PPV per serving.

Have a good week!

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